Friday, December 23, 2011

Sushi Night (more for real this time)

After a moderately successful test last Sunday night, I tried making sushi again last night.

Preparing while the rice cooks.

Turned out pretty good for a noob like me!

As you can see, I threw in some carrots and avocado which I should probably just cut with the roll next time instead of pre-cutting. That's pickled ginger and more wasabi than I really needed on the side there. I also ate a small puddle of soy sauce. :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Nothing much here for the moment, but I just wanted to salute the Authorized King James Version Bible (couldn't decide which combo to use) on roughly its four-hundredth anniversary. (earlier this month) I suppose I could use its full "originall" title; The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament, and the New. Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues: & with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his Maiesties Speciall Comandement, but it might be another four-hundred years typing/reading this if I use that very many more times.

Well, perhaps someday I'll be back to write a little something here about my appreciation for the book.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Ol' Haystack

The pictures don't do it justice. Its like 90 percent beans and rice, nearly ready to spill over the sides. Oh, and those aren't bite sized chips! (JK, they are.) Plus I did add a couple black olives and a handful of chips later.

Possibly the biggest ol' stack I've ever eaten in my life. And as sure as I'm standing before you, dear readers, I did! I ate it all!

As always, Facebook friends, you can view the original blog if you're into that sorta thing. (Or hit the link at the end of the FB Note, above the comment box.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Video Shoot

Today we wrapped on a little NAD/Advent Source video that I was contracted (by Long-Shots) to help with. I don't know how I end up getting involved with stuff like this, I just do what I'm told. ;)

The set on the 4th and final day of shooting. But where is the 2nd camera operator?

Probably shirking his duty and taking pictures.

Or maybe just under a table?

Ah yes, there I am. (on a different day)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Best vector art yet!

(click it big to read)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy... uh... January!!!

Its not too late for a little belated twenty eleven celebration is it? :P Well, since its still January, I thought it might be a good time to kick this public journal of mine into some blazing fast one-post-per-month action! I've got a few ideas, but if they don't turn out... I'll see ya next year! Man, I'm hungry. Later!