Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Video Shoot

Today we wrapped on a little NAD/Advent Source video that I was contracted (by Long-Shots) to help with. I don't know how I end up getting involved with stuff like this, I just do what I'm told. ;)

The set on the 4th and final day of shooting. But where is the 2nd camera operator?

Probably shirking his duty and taking pictures.

Or maybe just under a table?

Ah yes, there I am. (on a different day)


  1. Nice bro! What was this for exactly?

    And, sweet kicks!

  2. Thanks bud, it was like 19 or so NAD Conference Youth Ministries (or YPAC?) people were giving basic training presentations or introductions for Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders. (And a little bit of other stuff, I'm a little sketchy on the details...)

    And thanks, not the comfiest, but at least they're blue! *shrugs*

  3. Hey, i never saw these, guess i should check your blog more often.
